
Pro 4 ROV and BlueView Sonar Search Otter Lake For Man Missing Since December 17th

A VideoRay Pro 4 Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) is currently being used to search for a missing man from the Lac La Ronge Indian Band (LLRIB) in northern Saskatchewan. Billy Taylor was last seen on December 17th, when he left Lac La Ronge on his snowmobile. Snowmobile tracks were found near some broken ice and open water on Otter Lake, which is when they called in the VideoRay Pro 4 ROV.

The LLRIB has used VideoRay Pro 4 ROVs previously during a search for Solomon Roberts last February. Roberts was located by the Pro 4 ROV after a search operation that spanned 3 months and 450 acres.

The search continues as of January 7, 2015. We will update this post as new information is announced.

Related: FEBRUARY 18, 2014 – VideoRay Pro 4 Remotely Operated Vehicle Recovers Drowning Victim in Saskatchewan (VIDEO)

News Article: ROV Aids in Underwater Search for Missing Man (via Global News Canada)

(Photo Credit: Tammy Cook-Searson/Global News Canada)

UPDATE (Jan. 12) – VideoRay consultant and certified trainer Craig Thorngren (Submerged Recovery & Inspection Services LLC) is now assisting the LLLRIB search team. According to Thorngren, the search for Taylor is difficult because of the sheer size and location of the search area – approximately 2,000 acres of frozen lake, which is a 26-mile snowmobile ride away from town – as well as the general lack of information.

Thorngren and his team are contracted for January 12-21, during which they hope to locate Mr. Taylor and bring closure to his family and the entire LLRIB community.

News Article: Search for missing man in northern Sask. continues (via Global News Canada)

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