
A VideoRay Mission Specialist (MSS) was used from June 16 to June 23, 2017, in the Gulf of Mexico for a 2nd Intermediate UWILD Inspection on a DNV classified drill ship. The MSS ROV cleaned 62 sea chest grates in the machine room, engine room, and pump room over the course of 3 days. Paul Chittenden, Business Development Manager at Proceanic, explained that “cleaning time is basically cut in half” with the Mission Specialist, saving the customer valuable time and money. The MSS underwater system was transported to the location by boat and deployed from the drill ship.

“High power in a small package…what more could you ask for? The MSS has greatly expanded the range of services we ever thought would be possible with a hand-launched mini-ROV,” stated Kyle Satula, Structural Engineering Manager at Proceanic.

While the days flying the MSS were mild—1-2 knot winds and 0-3 meter waves—the inspection was delayed by a tropical storm, taking 2 and a half days away from the mission.

Using cleaning tools from Cavidyne, the VideoRay Mission Specialist was able to get the job done and keep the customer satisfied despite the loss of time. Cavidyne technology quickly and safely removes fouling materials without disturbing varnish or anti-fouling coating, keeping the water free of heavy metals and contaminants.