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January 20th, 2022 10:00 – 10:30 AM EST: Marine debris, micro-ROVs, and microplastic: science and technology to protect the ocean

Rachael Zoe Miller, Founder – Rozalia Project for a Clean Ocean

If you look for trash and microplastic in the marine environment, you will find it. This pollution is nearly ubiquitous and making its way through the marine food web – onto our plates. National Geographic Explorer and Explorers Club Fellow, Rachael Z. Miller is working to keep both macro and microplastic out of our public waterways. Rachael and her team at the ocean-protection nonprofit, Rozalia Project for a Clean Ocean, are at the leading edge of marine debris and microplastic research, education, solution development and solution implementation using a combination of expedition science, technology and innovation to make an impact. Hector, the Collector, their VideoRay Pro 4 ROV has been a central feature in their ability to both understand the problem and prevent it by using the ROV as both a science and an education tool.

In this presentation, learn about how Rozalia Project uses ROVs to connect people to the underwater world right at their feet as well as learn about their cutting-edge work on microplastic and microfiber pollution through expedition science and innovation. The presentation will also share how VideoRay owners and operators (and people who simply love our ocean, lakes and rivers) can be part of the solutions to marine debris of all types from consumer debris to derelict fishing gear and macro-plastic to can’t-see-it-without-a microscope microplastic.

Rachael Miller of the Rozalia Project