
New Certification Covers Design, Manufacture, Repair, Marketing, and Sales of Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs)

POTTSTOWN, PA. – Today VideoRay LLC announced that its management and quality control process, after an extensive multi-year audit, has been certified to the exacting standards of International Standards Organization 9001:2008. The certification covers the entire process from design through manufacturing and post-sale support, including both VideoRay locations in Pennsylvania. VideoRay Chief Operations Officer John Vestri lead the effort, involving many different departments and processes.

While much of the certification effort involved procedures and controls that were already in place, there was significant effort involved in developing and formalizing internal documentation, control, and training. The audit process helped improve management and results in all phases of ROV – from concept to repairing systems built over a decade ago.

“Most customers in the United States don’t fully appreciate certifications like this” said Mr. Vestri, “But they should. VideoRay ROV systems are tough and tested, and have lifetimes that exceed 10 years. During this period the person who sold it to you, the many people and vendors that created parts and assembled it, and the support person you dealt with may all have changed. To keep the system running as it ages, you need the systems that were audited and certified to the ISO 9001:2008 standard.”

VideoRay’s Vice President of Sales, Chris Gibson, furthered the point. “We’re one of the only companies in this business – probably the only one at our vehicle size and price point – to refurbish systems that are 5 or 6 years old, then sell them for close to their original sales price. Initial Quality Control – something we measure as part of the ISO 9001:2008 process – is also crucial. Our warranty calls for the first six months are pretty low, and have declined steadily over the last six months. I’m certain our customers have the lowest maintenance and repair costs per hour of service in our industry – by a wide margin.”

VideoRay’s ISO9001:2008 Auditing company was Perry Johnson Registrars, Inc. of Troy, Michigan