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June 11, 2021, Pottstown, PA – VideoRay announced today it launched an Integrator Program. VideoRay developed the program to address growing customer demand for the customization of VideoRay’s Mission Specialist products. VideoRay’s Integrator program will bring best-in-class technology sensor and tooling manufacturers, as well as software developers together, resulting in specialized mission configurations. VideoRay will leverage its worldwide distribution network, expanding the reach of our integration partners worldwide. The Integrator program will have two main focus areas – Customers and Integrators.

VideoRay customers will gain access to more sensor, tooling, and software integrations, including autonomy and artificial intelligence. Integration engineering and production will follow VideoRay’s ISO-9001:2015 process procedures ensuring a high level of quality control. All Integrations will come with VideoRay’s industry-leading 2-year warranty. VideoRay’s award-winning Customer Support team will support all integrations.

Certified Integrator partners will have access to interface control documentation, including models, communication interfaces, and mount locations. In addition, VideoRay will distribute integration products through VideoRay’s worldwide distribution network. VideoRay equipment has been sold into more than 50 countries worldwide. Integrators may also sell Integrations with VideoRay equipment directly through their distribution networks earning discounts on VideoRay equipment they resell.

“The Integrator Program will make VideoRay Mission Specialist products like the Defender and Pro 5 mission specialized solutions which better address our customer’s challenges.” Stated Scott Bentley, CEO of VideoRay LLC.

Mark Waller, Managing Director of Proceanic, Ltd. reported, “Proceanic is collaborating with VideoRay and an Integration partner to explore potential new uses of Mini-ROV Mounted, Robotic Technology in the Offshore Sub-Sea Industry, turning Observation and Light Intervention ROV systems into much, much more. Over recent years, Proceanic has found the VideoRay Mission Specialist Technology to be the ideal platform for new ROV tooling, new technologies, and new paradigms in underwater intervention with Mini-ROVs

VideoRay’s Integrator program will address our customer’s challenges with successes in mind. The program will expand sensor, tooling, autonomy, and artificial intelligence offerings on VideoRay Mission Specialist products. If you are interested in applying for the VideoRay Integrator program, please visit www.videoray.com/integrator/apply. Whatever the task, whatever the Mission, consider VideoRay when failure is not an option.

ABOUT VideoRay

VideoRay delivered its first ROV in 2000 and has since become the world’s leading manufacturer of underwater, portable, inspection-class ROVs. VideoRay underwater robots help prevent terrorism, find and retrieve objects, inspect infrastructure both inland and offshore, and keep divers safe from hazardous conditions. Operators prefer VideoRay systems because they are optimized for intuitive operation, performance, size, weight, payload, and deployment speed. To learn more about VideoRay, visit videoray.com or call at +1 610-458-3000.