Greetings! This month, we’re recruitingpresenters and presentations for future Insights events from you, our customers. Topics can be anything ROV related. As the expert on your topic, the requirements are quitesimple – presentations are virtual, so they can be done from anywhere and are limited to 1/2 hour including time for questions so preparation should not be too extensive. Delivering a presentation is a great way to give back to the community. Send your presentation ideas to:
Presenters receive a VideoRay logo jacket as a token of our appreciation.
Virtual VideoRay Insights Presentation Series
10:00 – 10:30 AM EST • Jeff Orlowski, VideoRay
VideoRay is pleased to announce the release of the VersaRay! The VersaRay uses the modular architecture of the Mission Specialist product line and can be characterized by Payload, Power and Depth. The open frame design lends itself to a virtually unlimited number of accessory configurations. Starting configurations include 8 thrusters and can be expanded from there. As with all Mission Specialist modules, depth rating is 2 km. This presentation will cover these capabilities in more detail and many other platform specific features. The VersaRay is a great complement to the Defender and Pro 5.
First Look – The VideoRay Mission Specialist VersaRay
April 21, 2022: • Pipeline Leak Investigation in Challenging Conditions • Deep Dives – A Panel Discussion
June 16, 2022: • Optimizing Your Sonar Image Quality – Presented by Tom Glebas, VideoRay
May 19, 2022: • Mastering Autonomous Control – Using Jog Commands and Waypoints
Know Your Knots
Cords and knots can come in handy for ROV projects. One knot that’s good to know how to tie is the Prusik Knot. This knot is easy to tie around a line (like the tether) anda convenient feature is that it can slide up or down the tether as you pay it in or out and then hold when you want it to.
Start with a cord about 1/2 to1meter long and make it into a loop using a square or fisherman’s knot. Lay this loop perpendicular under tether. Take one end of the loop, lift it over the tether, and position it through the other loop and then back under the tether. Repeat this two more times and then pull the loop to tighten up the knot on the tether. When the loop is pulled along the direction of the tether it will seizeand hold its position. To slide the knot, simple release tension on the loop and slide the knot along the tether as desired.
Retrieval Snare
Scott Krelle, retired Sheriffand long time VideoRay user,was looking for an easier way to retrieve submerged objects and came up with thisretrieval snare. It can be mounted in the manipulator, with a customdesign for each typeof manipulatorto ensure a secure grip. It is designed to be positioned over a protrusion of the object and self-tightens when the ROV is backed away. It features a self-resetting loop if it slips off while tightening and if it gets hung up, the snare can be released by opening the manipulatorso the ROV is not trapped as well. For more information email